Saturday, 11 April 2015

Ketchup Clouds - Book Review

Ketchup clouds is a series of letters that our main character Zoe writes to Stuart Harris. A murderer on death row. 

Zoe has a secret. A dark secret. One that she doesn't want to keep secret anymore. That's why she starts writing the letters. She connects with Stuart. She pours her heart out. One thing as a reader we never learn and I believe it's a fair point. Do we think Zoe ever sent the letters?  She could have just been getting her secret off her chest?  Unburdening herself. It's something I certainly think about. 

This book revolves around our main character Zoe (not her real name), her family and Max and Aaron (two brothers). 

I liked Zoe as a character. You felt her pain. I loved her honesty in the letters she wrote. Her situation with both brothers was written well and prove you can't help who you fall for. We learn more about the tragic event. The one that Zoe needs to get off her chest and the lead up to it.

I thought this book was highly enjoyable. The ending, although sad, wrapped the story up well. I definitely now want to read My Sister Lives On The Mantlepiece by the same author. 

Definitely one I would recommend. 


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